As soon as Olimar and his lover Louie wake up, they climb down from the woman's belly. She can now get up. Olimar and Louie say something to her, but the woman doesn't understand them. Thus she decides to find a way of communicating with them.
Even if she has more important things to do, like survive, find out who the Dismal Man is and find him. The Dismal Man is a mysterious gentleman that the woman met a year ago. He left her instructions on how to find him after the Black Day.
Olimar and his lover don't understand why this woman insists on staying with them, but they like her company. Besides, she can protect them from the horrors that haunt this dark world.
It took a long time, but the woman found a way to make herself understood by Louie and his beloved. She uses signs, body language and a few words from their people, the Hocotatian.
The woman discovers that they're from another planet and that their spaceship crashed here, in the town of Arkham, which has been trapped in this cursed dimension since the Black Day. Since then, they've been trying to survive and to keep their Sanity high they make love as often as possible. The pleasure of the flesh makes them forget the horrors and madness of Arkham City.
"I am sorry for you two." She said. "You may stay with me, though my quest is filled with danger."
The two lovers nod. And so the Hocotatian couple allies themselves with the nameless woman.